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13 Aug

Remineralization of Early Cavities

An article in The Wall Street Journal titled “Simple Dental Treatments May Reverse Decay” discusses a possible approach to addressing early cavities.

“A recent study led by Wendell Evans at the University of Sydney supports growing evidence that early tooth decay, before a cavity forms, can often be arrested and reversed with simple treatments that restore minerals in the teeth, rather than the more typical drill-and-fill approach.”

Dental schools have been placing a larger focus on teaching more preventive approaches like remineralization to treat early lesions rather than watching the early cavity get bigger. This would then require taking the surgical approach of removing the decay and placing a filling.

“In the study, patients in the experimental group with early decay received a fluoride varnish to the site. Dentists also gave those patients fluoride varnish preventively two to four times a year, and encouraged them to brush well and avoid sugary snacks between meals.”

At Central Park West Pediatric Dentistry we have been recommending these preventive treatments for years. We follow the recommendations of the the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and the American Dental Association. Our patients who are at greater risk for cavities receive professional fluoride varnish treatments in the office. We suggest and provide a prescription strength fluoride toothpaste for use at home when appropriate. We also encourage more frequent visits to the office for professional cleanings each year. These recommendations along with a good diet and good oral hygiene habits can prevent the need for fillings.

Robert Peracchia, DDS